Texas Was Hot!!!

And I mean hot. Besides the almost unbearable heat and long hours in the car, I can easily say it was a great trip. Austin, Houston, and San Antonio were all fantastic to play in. I had the pleasure of the company of Max Maggs, who accompanied me on cajon and other percussion while I laid down the rest. I'm glad to be home and finally well rested from the trip. Big news in The MuleTrain Express camp as well... so firstly we lost a couple of great players and people Jim West on Electric Guitar and Mike Stewart on Vocals/Keys. Both of these guys are just outright fantastic and I encourage everyone to look them up. As we were searching for another member to round out our sound, we found Jake Oakey. Jake is a vocalist/guitarist with a lot of soul and a welcome addition, as well as a catalyst to getting us fired up and writing NEW ORIGINAL FUNKY ROCK MUSIC!!! Stay tuned for some of that my friends!  

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